Reasonable time before a loaner?

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Active member
May 11, 2011
You bought a new top of line skid steer.
Within days of delivery you discover a problem which is a serious safety issue.
Problem impacts entire use of skid steer. Essentially making it pointless.
Dealer has skid steer, but no word on resolving problem.

How many days should you do without; before dealer brings you an equivalent loaner?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
I would contact the maker and get one of there rep's involved in things,, they should be able to both, tell you what there warranty policy states and can some times help get the dealer moving faster, be it repairing things, getting parts, or, just getting you a loaner from your dealer or another , IF that is covered in the policy! as it MAY or might not be in things!

SO, as for them providing a loaner machine, honestly I have no clue what there LEGAL liability is, that would most likely come down to what the warranty states should happen, and or what the dealership promised you in WRITING at time of sale! or something they provided as store policy on sales!

as for them doing so in just GOOD WILL< that comes down to the dealership and its there call as far as I know, unless again they gave you something in writing!
larger dealers tend to some times be more willing than smaller one's or from what I know of and heard from friends in businesses!
I would again contact the OEM of the machine, get a warranty rep involved in things, and have a chat with the manager of the store you purchased things from and ask what there policy is, I'd be POLITE< be biting my tongue and keeping my temper down, at all times for NOW< anyhow!
as they can make your life harder or easier, and I would be explaining to them, that you need to know this information as you have upcoming jobs that the machine is needed for and have to know how to plan things.
again, being as nice as possible,, it sucks I know, but getting angry up front won't motivate anyone on dealer or OPEM side of things to help you, we are sadly pretty much past anyone caring about customer service, were all replaceable and just a number and not paying there bills with one or a few purchases every so often and they treat you as such anymore, , sad, as there was a time they wanted you to be happy and a returning customer, and treated you such to try and keep you, these days
Nope, your just work for them to do and no one wants to work anyone, they just want your money and to get paid, its a sad world were living in anymore
that's my guess on things as I'm , not claiming to be any expert, but what I would be doing in your shoes!

best of luck to you!